Saturday, January 08, 2005

Tsunami aid, per capita

On The McLaughlin Group last night, John brought up the topic of tsunami relief aid pledged by governments, per capita. I touched on this in a comment here earlier. I found a breakdown of not only per capita data, but also per capita normalized by GDP. The leader in the normalized data is Qatar, with $53.46. The United States comes in 27th with $1.19, right behind France with $1.50. It's interesting data for sure. I've put it in a CSV, sorted by the normalized data. I'd also like to see something like this for private donations, but a quick search didn't yield anything.


Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by renice.] I saw an abbreviated comparison of gov't + public/NGO aid on special reports on either MSN or CNN last night, but couldn't find the chart online. However, I did find this:

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by b.] what about European countries listed AND the EU, how does that work out?

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by Renice.] It looks like the EU is counted as an independent governmental entity. For one thing, NGOs and public donations are not figured there. Also, just below the 1st table are notes about the 2nd table: "The amounts pledged by individual sovereign nations within the European Union should be increased by amounts pledged by the European Union itself."

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by Renice.] Speaking of aid, this post from an Indian blogger was a bit eye opening for me: here I was feeling pretty good about my Oxfam donation :-(

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by b.] yay capitalism.... (travis)