Saturday, March 12, 2011

Notepad++ HTML Tidy doesn't work

If Tidy HTML fails silently and you have UAC enabled, try this trick.

Tidy needs to write to C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\Config\tidy\HTMLTIDY.CFG. Create the file, and then grant everyone full control.

Now you can do things like auto-indent XML in Notepad++.


Unknown said...

Thanks! That helped me!

Anonymous said...

run in administrator mode is ok. thanks a lot !!!

Gamer said...

I've spent two hours on this Np++ problem. Then found your post and worked like magic. Thank you, Sir. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post, very helpful

Daniel said...

Run Notepad++ in administrator mode works for me (right click > run as administrator).

The more permanent option for me is not just to change the permissions of the .CFG file, but change the permissions of everything in the "plugins" folder for the groups "users" or "Everyone" to full control, and apply to the folder and sub folders. Works like a charm after that without having to run the complete app as admin.

Jeroen Van Goey said...

Worked like a charm for me, thanks!