Monday, March 28, 2005

Talking points memo

From ABC News, excepts from a GOP talking points memo about Terri Schaivo, circulated to Republican Senators. Emphasis added.

  • This is an important moral issue and the pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue.
  • This is a great political issue, because Senator Nelson of Florida has already refused to become a cosponsor and this is a tough issue for Democrats.

Remember that CBS poll where 74% of respondents answered, "advancing a political agenda" when asked, "why do you think congress got involved?" I think they were right.

Edit, 2005-04-06: The source of the memo has stepped forward. It was an aide to Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL).


Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by jason.] i believe that this has already been debunked and was released by a democrat staffer.

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by b.] served, served, served, served....

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by jason.] looks like it wasn't a democratic staffer, but who put the memo out is up in the air. read more here

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by jason.]