Below is my first pass at building a Powershell utility to monitor my Recorded TV folder from Windows 7 Media Center and automatically trim commercials and transcode them into iPhone format.
Some notes:
- The version of ffmpeg.exe comes from iPodifier. I want it to use a more recent stock build.
- Requires comskip and and drvcut. Built with Comskip 80_25.
- Next version will also output Podcast XML, which will greatly clean up the experience on the iPhone.
- Keep an eye on the transcode tag here for future updates.
$sourceFilesUnfiltered = "C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV\*.wtv";
$binDir = "C:\Users\Media\Downloads\comskip80_025";
$outputDir = "C:\iPodVideos2";
$keepWindowDays = 14;
$sleepInterval = 600;
# Filter the input files
$sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem $sourceFilesUnfiltered | Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(0 - $keepWindowDays) } | Sort-Object CreationTime;
Write-Output ("Setting process priority to Idle.");
[System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass]::Idle;
# Convert WTV to DVR-MS, Analyze afor commercials, trim commercials, and transcode to iPhone format.
foreach($file in $sourceFiles)
#echo "Beginning $file";
# We don't want to process a currently recording show, so check last write time
#if(((Get-Date) - ($file.LastWriteTime)).TotalSeconds -lt 120)
# Write-Output ("Skipping $file because it is in use.");
# continue;
$handle = $file.OpenWrite();
Write-Output ("Skipping $file because it is in use.");
#TODO if handle isn't null
$baseName = $file.BaseName;
$dvrmsFile = "$outputDir\$";
$cleanName = "$outputDir\$baseName" + "";
$m4vName = "$outputDir\$baseName" + ".m4v";
$trimFile = "$outputDir\$baseName" + "_dvrcut.bat";
#if ipod version does not exist
if(!(Test-Path $m4vName))
Write-Output "Beginning $file";
Write-Output ("Converting to DVR-MS.");
& "C:\Windows\ehome\WTVConverter.exe" $file $dvrmsFile | Wait-Process;
Write-Output ("Running ComSkip.");
& "$binDir\comskip.exe" -q --ini="$binDir\comskip.ini" $dvrmsFile $outputDir | Wait-Process;
Write-Output ("Trimming Commercials.");
& Start-Process -Wait $trimFile;# | Wait-Process;
Write-Output ("Compressing video.");
& "$binDir\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i $cleanName -f mp4 -s 480x320 -acodec libfaac -async 4800 -dts_delta_threshold 1 -threads auto -vcodec libx264 -b 512k -level 21 -r 30000/1001 -bufsize 2000k -maxrate 768k -g 250 -coder 0 $m4vName | Wait-Process;
del "$outputDir\$baseName.log", "$outputDir\$baseName.logo.txt", "$outputDir\$baseName.txt", $trimFile, $dvrmsFile, $cleanName;
Write-Output "Nothing to do for $file";
# Delete extra (outside of the keep window) files
foreach($m4vfile in Get-ChildItem "$outputDir\*.m4v")
$matchFound = [bool]0;
foreach($wtvFile in $sourceFiles)
if($wtvFile.BaseName -eq $m4vFile.BaseName)
$matchFound = [bool]1;
Write-Output ("Extra file found: $m4vFile");
Start-Sleep $sleepInterval;
This script is so WIN. Thanks so much.
Looks like comskip can now cut commercials on .wtv directly. Have you tried updating your script? I looks like it would do exactly what i'm looking for.
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