Monday, December 19, 2005

Bob Loblaw Law Blog

Arrested Development sure is a great show. Too bad it's cancelled. I must have hit the rewind button ten times during tonight's episode. So many absurd moments. Bob Loblaw Law Blog. Hehe.


Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by travis.] haha I know. I'll miss that show. Maybe the DVDs will be popular enough to bring
it back.

...and that's why you don't use one-armed people to teach lessons.

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by Iffy.] I read an article that the producers of the show were shopping it to Showtime and
ABC. Could still have hope.

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by sara.] try to convince jason to watch it. I laugh for 30 minutes straight every monday
night, yet he will not watch it. Buster and Gob totally make the show.

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by Iffy.] I subscribe to this WSJ Law Blog (
Everytime I see the name in my reader I laugh because of Bob.