Saturday, February 12, 2005

Flickr Shrink & Upload

After uploading a few photos to Flickr and realizing how quickly that 10MB/month upload quota was going away, I realized that I would have to resize my photos before uploading them. So, rather than crack open Photoshop, I did what any other programmer would do. I wrote a program to resize and upload for me. It's actually pretty sweet and quite functional. Check it out if you have a (free) Flickr account.

You should know: The error handling is pretty thin. It preserves EXIF! It won't save your login/password (not necessarily bad). It's multithreaded; I think you'll like it. I'm actually happy with the architecture! I wrote it in one evening.

View a screenshot.
Download version 0.9 for .NET 1.1.

(Sorry, Tim.)

Edit 2005-02-12 16:30: New version, 0.9. Better error handling, supports drag-and-drop, saves login/password if desired (Base64 encoded in "HKCU\Software\\FlickrShrink"; not really secure, but obfuscated a bit), remembers last folder you added files from, creates thumbnail in a background thread (gives a nice UX when you select amongst items in the upload queue), mores little fixes.


Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by Renice.] So, does it work better than an ImageReady droplet?

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by Travis.] I've never used a droplet, so I can't compare. Why don't you try it and tell me?

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by renice.] Tangent: Flickr Graph is kind of cool --

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by Tim.] Were you rocking out with WebClient?

Travis said...

[Imported comment* originally authored by Travis.] No need. The API did it for me. I just gave it a Stream and told it to upload.